Tuesday, August 27, 2013

No baldies here

When we first heard Ev had Leukemia, one of the thoughts that went through our minds was, "when will he loose his hair?" It was predicted that he would loose it within the first month, but now we are about 2 1/2 months in and he's still got it. A weird happening in his situation. His hair has thinned (and is very dry), but he's definitely in the minority when we go to clinic. 

His ability to keep his hair has helped me to pretend that some days are normal. I don't always look at him and say, "oh, my poor sick baby." And, it has led to people asking why he wears a mask in public. None of the questioners expecting me to say that cancer is his ailment. 

So, last Friday, I cut his hair. What an amazingly big job. I have always cut the boys hair so I have a system (and their hair grows the same, so it's the same thing for all). But this time, in order to get the job done, I had to do various yoga poses over Ev while he played in the tub. He tried to jerk away at first to protest, but eventually he calmed down enough that I at least had once less obstacle. Anyways, it ended up ok...and he kinda looks like a hipster now. Especially, in this photo...

We were all planning to shave our heads to support Ev in his fight against cancer, I guess we can put the clippers away. 

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