Tuesday, January 21, 2014

One day at a time

We went to clinic yesterday and Ev's ANC is 196. He was in the 1200s last Tuesday. He's dropping pretty fast and his platelets are too. Our doctor is great at preparing us in many ways, from the current moment to the next 2 1/2 years. I soak in all that he says as I think about what this means...who can watch Ben? Ev can't rough house, it's too dangerous...what meds are left until we get another break? how long will our hospital stay be if I have to bring him in for a fever? can he wait until wednesday for a platelet infusion, can he wait until Friday for a platelet infusion? Ugh! Can I make any of this stop?! ...No.

Apart from the chemo shots Ev had yesterday, he did really well in dealing with what was happening. He hates those shots more than anything...so now he gets a surprise after each of them. There are so many times that I just want to shower that child with new gifts, but I know that's not what would truly help him, nor is it what he truly wants. Nothing beats hugs, kisses and encouraging words. 

Ev is currently crossing the finish line on potty training. He thrived off of the cheers of his brother and family. He walks around in his Avengers underwear so proudly and I am so proud its hard not to cry at times. (Because potty training for Ev wasn't like it was for a healthy child...he endured painful sores which brought about the timing for being potty trained. And, in spite of the pain and obstacles, he just kept trying.)

Both of our boys are showing how beautiful they are...hugging, holding hands and encouraging each other. They did this on their own yesterday on our way out of clinic, and its not the first time...

Jeff went completely bald and took of the beard too. We both gave Ev the decision and dad had to take it all off. I got to keep my hair.

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