I have been waiting for Ev's hair to fall out for more than 6 months. I expected to fall apart and become slightly tormented seeing his hair fall out into my hand...stroking his head for my comfort or his and being so very aware of the sickness in his body.
It turned out no different than any other element to his illness. You have a moment of being mad that he has to go through it, sad that sickness invaded a body that was once healthy and without scars and then you accept that it's our reality. This process happens much faster and easier now. We do life differently, but it's no longer different for us.
For those who don't know, Ben loves his hair long. Even when Jeff has cut his own hair short, Ben will ask him to grow it out. But, when we explained to Ben that we were cutting our hair to support and show our love for Ev, he amazed me. Ben hasn't complained once...he's only asked if it will grow back.
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When Ev's port is no longer accessed, it's time to wrestle with dad and brother. |
The Indianapolis area was completely snowed in and incapable of functioning for at least two days. We had to delay an appointment because there was no way to get to the hospital. We ended up going the following day, dodging potholes made from ice and traveling about 20mph. Even if we weren't bumper to bumper with other cars, we wouldn't have gone any faster. But, we eventually made it to the hospital and we made it through the storm with heat and no frozen pipes. Whew!
Ev has two more weeks, 6 more visits to clinic and no more spinal taps. I'm so glad as the end of this phase approaches, which helps because Ev is so tired and mad. I always tell him that its okay to be mad and that I don't like it either, but translating the fact that he still has to do it can be tricky. Fortunately, he doesn't let anything keep him down or mad. He goes back to playing quickly.
There are many times that I (and at times, two others) have to hold him down or restrain him in some way. It absolutely sucks each time, but I am as determined as he is. His focus is to end the current happening and my eyes are set on ending cancer. I suppose we just have different plans of how to get it done.
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This was our latest visit to clinic. Getting chemo while playing and waiting for a spinal tap. |
Thanks for the update, Laura :-) I'm often thinking of you and your family. Keeping Ev in my prayers. Sending hugs from Maine....