Friday, September 13, 2013

The bell

Earlier in the week, while we were at clinic, we heard a bell ring. A bell that would be rung by someones great-great grandma when calling everyone in for supper. The boys and I looked at each other, wondering what was going to happen next....was a costumed visitor going to come through the door? were more toys coming our way? Nope. It was better.

Another child was done with his/her treatment. We couldn't see who rang the bell, but we definitely heard it and what a wonderful noise it was. I started thinking about how long until Ev would ring it and if by chance he didn't want to do it that day how I was going to ring the crap out of that bell. I was starting to wonder if we could all take turns ringing it. Are there rules to using the bell?

Even though our struggle continues, what a blessing to hear that another child has made their way through, to an end we all hope be cancer free.

Our victory for now is the fact that Ev is in remission and he is done with his shots! Twelve shots total in two weeks. I haven't even asked the doc if more shots are coming down the road. I don't even want to begin dreading them on Ev's behalf. I just want to focus on how awesome he did and that by his last round he was Hulk in my eyes.

I tell him that he is brave like Captain America and strong like Hulk. More often than not, he's pretty psyched with that idea and then there are times he doesn't care...he doesn't want to face his challenging moment. He doesn't want to be brave and he doesn't want to be strong, he just wants it to be over.

Even still, Ev has dealt with all of this so amazingly. He could get knocked down over and over and he'd still get back up. He has a beautiful spirit and he is truly becoming a super hero in my eyes.

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