Fortunately, yesterday was as uneventful as it was long. We left the house at 7:20am and didn't return until 6:15pm. Part of the that time was due to traffic, but none the less, it was a long day at the clinic. We got the "choo-choo room" again, which only means that Thomas is on the wall (a lone wall, in a room sectioned off by curtains).
I like that room because every time we are in it everything seems to go smoothly (I am becoming a bit superstitious). There is one room that I don't want to go back to because odds are stacked against us every time we are there. Some of the nurses know my feelings, and it's nice to be able to joke about it.
If we couldn't laugh at some of the moments in this chapter of our lives, I am certain we would explode, implode, or something else undesirable.
Ev's ANC was 1952 and so we were able to continue with his chemo therapy. He received two different drugs and tons of fluid to make sure one of them didn't do any unwanted harm. He did well and was exhausted by the time we left. He went to bed at 6:30pm.
He will have more chemo at home this week and next and then we will have another break and assumably another bone aspiration to see how his body is responding. I am looking forward to the next phase because my hope is that we won't be at the clinic as much and that he won't need as much chemo. We will see, none of this is predictable, not even by the doctors.
Still continuing our ARMY of prayers. Now that my dad is gone, he took the prayers for Everett with him. I know they are getting special attention. Praying for you and with you through this journey. Please let us know if you need anything. We never know what we can be doing. Just know we love you!